Sunday 13th of February 5pm: “Wood and Womb” Mary in the light of Mothers and Valentines days.
Maicon and Carolina will look at the themes of Mothers and Valentines days through the story of Mary. NB: No Sunday school this week.
“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2.19
Upcoming Events:
Sunday 20th of February 5pm: The Bible Day with Gunleik Seierstad
This Sunday we will focus on the best selling book of all times, the Bible, as this day is what Norwegians call “Bibeldagen” or “The Bible Day”. Gunnleik Seierstad, former missionary and leader of the Norwegian Bible Society, will share from his rich experience of working to spread the Bible around the world.
His topic will be: “The Bible and other holy texts – what makes the Bible unique?” Followed by Q&R. (Questions and Reflections.)
Sunday school with baby song.
Sunday 6th of March: Fellowship Sunday
This last Sunday before Lent we will spend some quality time together as a church in a fun and inspiring way – a one day camp. Our fellowship and church service will be at NMSs place at Lyder Sagenes gate 7. More info to come soon!
(Do you want to help arrange it? Contact oic@internationalchurch.no)
Thank you for a very interesting evening in Gamlebyen. We couldn’t have stumbled over, and into, anything better 🙂
Great people, great topic, and great time.
Big hellos from Thomas and Tatjana.