
Sunday Service 8th and 15th of June

On 8th of June, we will be at Bakkehaugen Church. Service will start at 16:00, and there will be Sunday School. See directions below. On ... Read more

Sunday Service 1st of June

This week, we will have our service at Lyder Sagens gate 7 at 16:00. There will be sunday school! Welcome to OiC! It is a short walk from ... Read more

Sunday Services at Bakkehaugen Church

Starting from this Sunday (25th of May) we will be gathering for Sunday Services at Bakkehaugen Church (Bakkehaugen kirke). There are multiple possibilities for arriving ... Read more

Sunday Service on the 18th of May

Due to the renovation work at Gamlebyen Church where we usually have our sunday services, we will gather this week in a different location. The ... Read more

17th of May – Norwegian National Day

This is the day when we celebrate the constitution of Norway. And this year, it is 200 years since we got it! Everyone will be ... Read more

Church Service this Sunday (11th of May)

As many of you know, Gamlebyen Church, where we gather for Sunday services, is undergoing a renewal of it’s facilities. As a consequence we will ... Read more

Annual Meeting & Report

The 27th of April we will have our Annual Meeting. We encourage all of you to attend this meeting, as this an important meeting for ... Read more


Thursday 17th: Wewill gather in different homes, and have dinner and fellowship together. Let us know if you will come! Sign up here! Sunday 20th: ... Read more

Ski Day!

On this day, we will go cross-country skiing together. It is a very good opportunity if you haven’t tried it before 🙂 We’ll make a ... Read more

Prayer meeting

This Wednesday (19th) you are very much invited for our weekly prayer meeting for OiC. Here we drink a nice cup of coffee, eat cookies ... Read more