We have been blessed in OiC with the birth of many children these past few years! We have received them as a gift not only to their families, but to us as family in Christ. We have also strived to be faithful in our role and give our children a space for growth and for learning the ways of the Lord. As we often say in our Sunday Services, we want them to grow feeling and knowing that it is good to be in the house of the Lord, among the people of God, learning to follow Jesus. We want them to experience God’s love in us! At the same time we find that the children are also our teachers in faith.
“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10.15).
Yes, the children are a gift from God and belong to Him. They are Children of God. But also on us God has lavished such love that we have become Children of God!
In our service this Sunday we want to be children together. Children of God. We want to sing together, listen to God’s story together and pray together. The little ones will be with us during the first part of the service… or maybe it is us that will be allowed to be with them?
Let us celebrate and worship as Children of God.