Alpha Course starting soon!

New start up date: Sunday 5th of October!

Got questions? Curious about the Christian faith?

Together with Christian Union, OiC is arranging an Alpha Course this semester!

What is the Alpha Course?

It is an opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting, over ten thought-provoking weekly sessions, with a day or weekend away.

Typically, an alpha session includes food, a short talk and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts.

Who is the Alpha Course for?

Are you a seeker of faith, just curious, want to know more about the basics or new to the faith, this surely could be the course for you!

Location: Bakkehaugen Church

Time: Sundays at 18:30 to 21:00, from 5th of October 2014. Except the 2nd of November, that is replaced with a full day on Saturday 1st of November.

Price: Absolutely free of charge!


So please come, and invite your friends with you! To sign up, contact Håkon 98895356/ or Magnus 91817922/

Also visit our Facebook Group!