
Church Coffee online sign up

The ‘Church Coffee’ of OiC is beloved by all of us. It is the wonderful time directly after the church service where you feel most ... Read more

Summer services

Services will continue throughout the summer as usual. Same place and time: Bakkehaugen kirke at 1600h. Have a good summer! Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani ... Read more

Sunday June 11th

On Sunday 11th, the church service takes place at Sjøglimt, where the congregation is on Summer Camp . There will not be a service at ... Read more

17. mai i Oslo

Hello everyone! The national day of Norway is also celebrated at Oslo International Church! Next Wednesday, 17th of May, the usual two great events are ... Read more

2017 OiC Summer Camp

It’s OiC Summer Camp time! Every year we gather for a weekend at Sjøglimt Camp for fellowship, good food, and fun. The days are Friday to ... Read more

Easter services

Sunday, April 9: Palm sunday On Palm Sunday there will be a regular service at Bakkehaugen kirke at 16:00. This is the first service with ... Read more

Remember to spring forward today!

Today, March 26, 2017, we adjust our clocks ahead by one hour. Hope to see you at the service at the right time 🙂 Oslo ... Read more

Annual report and meeting

On the Sunday after the winter day, we have the OiC Annual Meeting, in which the board and ministry leaders present last year’s results and ... Read more

Saturday Winter day

This Saturday, March 18th, the yearly OiC Winter Day will take place again: A time of fellowship on a (hopefully) sunny and wintery day. The ... Read more

By Faith

Our new semester theme, By Faith, kicks off this Sunday. Join us at Bakkehaugen Kirke at 1600h. Hope to see you there!