Let children be children! #GivingTuesday 2018 is about children who think it’s okay to be ashamed of themselves, children who are married away, and children who quit school. Will you help them get their childhood back?
GIVING TUESDAY is a day to give. NMS is along to join #GivingTuesday in Norway because we want everyone to experience the joy of giving. Giving Tuesday lands on is November 27th, but the campaign started at the beginning of November. Read more about Giving Tuesday in Norway.
WHAT THE MONEY GOES TOWARD: The church in Norway wants to support Saturday Clubs for minority children in Northern Thailand. Several people groups with their own mother tongues are discriminated against and are forced to become “Thai,” in a similar way to how the Sami people were forced to become Norwegian in Norway in the past. These children are also vulnerable to forced marriage, and receive little education. The Saturday Club gives children a place to be while their parents are at work. While there they receive a healthy meal. They are allowed to speak their own language. They learn about children’s rights. The goal is to change life in the village so that children can attend school longer, and so that girls won’t be married away while they are still children.
Learn more, and find out how to give here: