
Fellowship in Acts

Sunday, 23rd of October at 5pm – Knut Hallen, former missionary to Thailand and the leader of “Samarbeidsråd for Menighet og Misjon” will come and share ... Read more


Sunday, 16th of October at 5pm – That is a strange name for a book. Whose acts? What acts? What for? In this series, we ... Read more

ID! – the last chapter

Sunday, 9th of October at 5pm: What is your identity? This series has challenged us to take our christian identity beyond the membership card and ... Read more

ID! – Who am I?

Sunday, 2nd of October at 5pm – This is one of the most asked questions on earth. Many people allow their romantic relationships, family or ... Read more

ID – The Facebook dilemma

Sunday, 25th of September at 5pm: Most of us have faced this dilemma. Your sitting in front of your computer, about to create your Facebook ... Read more

Sharing from Tanzania

Sunday, 18th of September at 5pm: Stian Holtskog is a member of OiC and has recently returned from a year abroad at Tanzania. This Sunday ... Read more

May I see your ID please?

Sunday, 11th of September at 5pm: May I see your ID please? Where is it? This could be a traffic officer stopping your car, but ... Read more

Visit from Pakistan

Sunday, 4th of September at 5pm: a pastor from Pakistan will visit us and share the word from God and tesimonies from his home country. ... Read more

Be and make disciples!

Sunday, 28th of August at 5pm: Be and make disciples! This has been our theme for the last month, and we have been challenged to ... Read more

Disciple! (part 4)

Sunday, 21st of August at 5pm: We are now coming to our fourth sunday on our Disciple! series. Maicon Steuernagel will now look at some ... Read more