The first day of 2012 is a Sunday. That gives us the opportunity to start our year focusing on Him who has given all the years that have gone and all those to come, who holds our past and our future in His hands. In OiC we want to do that by joining for prayer and worship.
Starting at 3pm in the afternoon there will be opportunity to share our joys and frustrations over the past year and our expectations for the year to come, opportunity to pray and be prayed for, to talk or to be silent. We will then share a simple meal and have our service at 5.30pm in the evening, where we will thank God for all he has done in OiC in 2011 and “offer Him 2012”.
If you are joining for dinner, which will be soup, do bring NOK 30,- for dinner.
Important note:
- The service will be at Lyder Sagens gate 7, not at Gamlebyen Church as usual!
- Service starts later at kl 17:30, but doors are open from kl 15:00 for reflection and praying.
If you have questions or need more information on how to get there, please contact us.