New Year

Zoom Sunday Services

Hei OiC Family! We have a big announcement!We’re going to do OiC Zoom Church!! Goodness, we’re excited. It’s been too long. We thought surely by March we’d be able ... Read more

Spring dates in OiC

It may still be cold and covid-filled out there, but we’re planning for warmer, sunny, and less-covidy days ahead. The various ministry leaders and board ... Read more

Happy New Year! We hope to see you soon.

As we start 2021, new national coronavirus restrictions were given and we will continue meeting online for the next two services, on January 10th and ... Read more

Open church on Dec 27 while online services continue

Welcome to OiC Open Church on Sunday 27th, 16:00-17:30 at Hasle Kirke. Though we can’t gather for a Christmas Service this year, here is a ... Read more

Advent Online

Good morning,Today is the Second Sunday of Advent, the week of Peace. Last week the theme was Hope, next week it’s Joy. These themes seem ... Read more

Services continue online until Dec 20

Hei OiC Family, We will not meet in person until at least December 20th in accordance with the latest COVID-19 regulations. Sunday reflections continue to ... Read more

No Services in November

Hei OiC Family, We will not meet in person until at least December 1st in accordance with the new COVID-19 regulations. It is possible services ... Read more

New COVID-19 measures in Oslo

This week a few new measures for COVID-19 have been put into place. We will still be able to meet on Sundays with a few ... Read more

Inaugural service with Hasle kirke

This week we will join the inaugural service with the Hasle congregation at 11:00. They have not met in their building for TWO years and ... Read more

Moving to Hasle Kirke

We only have one more week in Bakkehaugen kirke; we’re moving to Hasle kirke! It is beautiful, large, and light space, with a great location ... Read more