Welcome to

Oslo International Church!

We are so glad you’re here! Whether you’re from Norway or abroad, in Oslo for the long term or just a quick visit, a Christian or just curious, we would love to have you with us!

Join a service Who we are

Who we are

Oslo International Church (OIC as we like to call it) is an international and interdenominational Christian fellowship, established in 2004.

The people of OIC come from dozens of countries around the world, at least 15 different countries are represented on any given Sunday, and a wide range of Christian denominations and church backgrounds. We love this diversity! It’s part of what makes us OIC.

OiC Kids (Children’s Service)

We love our kids at OiC! They make up nearly one third of our congregation and we believe church is just as much for them as it is for the adults. So we have worked to create a ministry for them; that engages with them in a way that they understand and enjoy. The kids will start the service with us and then run and skip to their service during the sermon. Their service is held in Norwegian and English.

Church Coffee

Stay after the service for coffee, treats and conversation with others. It’s one of our favorite parts of OiC. We believe in community and we know that eating together around a table is one of the best ways to create it.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Stay up to date with what’s happening at OIC, sign up to receive our monthly e-mail.

Email us with any questions at oic@internationalchurch.no.