This Sunday we will continue our series “New Beginnings”, and Kasper Tangen, who studies theology and leadership and interns at OIC, will speak about the importance of vision. He is leading the vision-process for OIC, and will open for input from all of you about where our church should be going.
Read more about the “new beginnings”-series here
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29.18
Upcoming Events:
30rd of January – “New Beginnings” – God of second chances
We will continue our series – and OIC board leader Thea Haavet, who studies Christian counseling at Diakonova, will speak about how God is the God of second chances and what to do when you have made a really big mistake…
6th of March – Fastelaven/Carneval-Get together – MARK THE DATE
We will spend the whole Sunday together as a church in a fun and inspiring way. More info to come soon!