Spring dates in OiC

It may still be cold and covid-filled out there, but we’re planning for warmer, sunny, and less-covidy days ahead. The various ministry leaders and board members are writing up summaries of their year (which despite what you think, may surprise you) which will be sent to your inbox as our yearly General Assembly Report in a couple of weeks. We will have a church-wide Zoom meeting the first weekend of March (invite will come later) where you can chime with in any questions or thoughts you may have for the board or pastor.


  • March 7th – Zoom Meeting for General Assembly, 20:00
  • March 14th – OiC Morning Service, 11:00
  • May 9th – OiC Morning Service, 11:00
  • May 30th – Joint Service with Hasle Kirke, 16:00

Hasle Happenings

When it’s not super strict lock down Hasle Kirke has an “open church” from 11:00-13:00 on Sundays where you can come and sit and enjoy a Norwegian service for a bit. We did a service similar to that for Christmas and another is the works! Gosh we miss meeting together. But, soon! (soon?) we will be together again and it will be glorious.

Board happenings

We were one member short in our OiC board, and Kristine Tveit came to mind as someone who might join if asked, and she said yes! She is not formally on the board, as the church needs to approve that, and information for how to do that will come with the General Assembly Report. But we are so excited! The next email will have a bit more about her, so look for that email! We will hold our regular board election this fall when we can, hopefully, all meet together.

Love and peace to you,
The OiC Team