We only have one more week in Bakkehaugen kirke; we’re moving to Hasle kirke!
It is beautiful, large, and light space, with a great location which is easy to access. Our first service will be held on October 11.
Important Fall Dates
October 4
Last Sunday in Bakkehaugen. As we like to say at OiC, every going is a sending and we are “sending” ourselves from this building to our next one. We are grateful for time and space we had at Bakkehaugen and excited for the new one. Come remember our years here and share our gratitude this Sunday.
16:00, Bakkehaugen Kirke
October 11
First Sunday in Hasle! Joyous celebration! We have a new building to call our home. Come celebrate with us.
16:00, Hasle Kirke
Address: Eindrides vei 9, 0575 Oslo
October 25
Join the Inaugural Service with the Hasle congregation at 11:00 (there will be no 16:00 service this day). The Hasle congregation is excited for us to use their space and they want to know us as we share one building and are part of One Body in Christ. We are so excited for events together and establishing this relationship with them. Join us as we begin to build this community.