Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 24th at 5pm  – We will celebrate with a special service at Lyder Sagens gate 7. Bring something special for the church coffee! For those who want to come earlier, we will have dinner together from around 13.00. If you would like to join, contact us!

Also, join us for dinner on Good Friday April 22nd at 5pm:
The family Kamp has invited us to join for dinner at their home! A great opportunity to be together. The hosts will prepare rice and pasta, and we will come along with our own delicious sauces, or maybe a desert or something to drink. If you play an instrument, bring it along so we can join our skills in worship! We need to know who is coming, so please contact us here, and we will get back to you with the address and other practical information.

Sunday 1th of May – International Workers Day
In Norway, 1 May is a public holiday and marks the struggle for workers’ rights, nationally and internationally. Since 1890, Norwegian workers have used this day to promote their demands and rights. Lately the day has also bee used to raise issues of international justice – as workers in Norway have gained some of the best protection and rights in the world. OIC want to have a broader world perspective – and Liv Arnhild Romsaas from Norwegian Church Aid will speak about “The fight for global justice: What can we do as individual and as a church?”

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