Sunday, March 20th at 5pm, Ingjerd and Sigmund Evensen are visiting us to tell their story: Almost 30 years ago they travelled to Papua New Guinea with their two kids to work as Bible translators. They came to the umanakaia-people, a small tribe living high up in the mountains. They lived isolated from each other and did not have their own written language, having little or no contact with the rest of the world. The Evensens aim was to translate the New Testament to their language. They worked with the people group for 19 years – and translated the Bible to their language. Today the tribe has a living church which most of the tribe members attend.
This sunday the Evensens .
Read more about Wycliffe.
This weekend with sunday school.
Upcoming events:
Sunday, March 27th at 5pm: The Lent Series
On this sunday we will continue our series meditating on the period of Lent, a time for considering our spirituality and challenging ourselves to go deeper. Tawanda Chovere, from Zimbabwe, will come and share with us.
Word of the Week:
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5.16