Sunday, March 6th, 10 am – 19 pm we will spend some quality time togehter as a church in a fun and inspiring way.
We will meet at Lyder Sagens gate 7 for a day of fellowship. We will start with a time of prayer and meditation at 10 am. Too early to get up? You can join us from 11 onwards, either at Spikersuppa for ice-skating and outside fun, or at Lyder Sagens gate for indoor fun.
Still too early? Meet us for lunch time and a time of reflexion on our church’s vision process. Or join us for service at 17.30. A very nice day to get to know your church family better!
Check the program below.
(Do you want to help arrange it? Contact oic@internationalchurch.no)
Word of the Week:
“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” Acts 2.46
Upcoming Events
Sunday, March 13th at 5pm
Beginning of the Lent Series: On this Sunday we will begin a new series meditating on the period of Lent, a time for considering our spirituality and challenging ourselves to go deeper.
This weekend with sunday school.