At Sunday, February 27 at 5pm: Coming from Ethiopia, Amsalework T. Flood has studied theology at “Menighetsfakultetet”in Oslo and is now resident in Norway, where she is married to a Norwegian/American with whom she has three kids. This sunday she will come and share input and faith experiences from the church in her home continent with us – as we want to celebrate that OiC is part of a global church family!
Sunday school with baby song.
Word of the Week:
“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.” Revelations 7.9
Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 6th, 10 am – 19 pm: Fellowship Sunday
This last Sunday before Lent we will spend some quality time together as a church in a fun and inspiring way. We will meet at Lyder Sagenes gate 7 for a day of fellowship – starting with prayers at 10 am. Too early to get up? You are also welcome to join us from 11 onwards. We will play and pray together, eat and share – and end the day with an original service in the same place. A very nice way to get to know your church family better! Follow us on internet for updated info. (Do you want to help arrange it? Contact