
OiC summit

This is My Son

John had been baptizing people for repentance in the waters of the Jordan. But then Jesus comes to be baptized… one who did not need ... Read more

Get up and follow

That’s the invitation Matthew got from Jesus. Or was it a challenge? Or both? He was sitting at the tax collector’s booth where he worked, ... Read more

New Years Service

We celebrated Christmas and 2015 is just around the bend. How do we want to start our year in OiC? We have dreams and hopes ... Read more

Advent Celebration 7th of December

Welcome to advent celebration, 7th of December, at Lyder Sagens Gate 7. We will start at 13:00 with workshops, then dinner at 15:00 and Service ... Read more

Girls & Boys gatherings this weekend!

Girls’ night on Friday 14th of November at 18:30. We will be at Lyder Sagens Gate 7. We will exchange used clothes. So, if you ... Read more


Blood relationship. That’s how my dictionary defines the word kinship. It’s not the most common word to hear on our daily conversations, but that’s probably ... Read more

Torchlight in support of persecuted people

Open Doors and Stefanusalliansen are every year having a torchlight in support of people that are persecuted for their faith. This year the focus is ... Read more

Offerings this Sunday to “TV aksjonen”

This Sunday, 19th of October, we will give the offering in church to “TV aksjonen” (TV campaign). An annual campaign in Norway. “Water Changes Everything” ... Read more

Welcome to OiC’s Children of God service 28th of September

We have been blessed in OiC with the birth of many children these past few years! We have received them as a gift not only ... Read more