Join a Ministry Team

We would love to have you serve alonside us! OiC is a small church and the only person receiving a salary is our pastor, the rest of the ministries are solely volunteer. There are many ways to serve!

You have unique gifts, personality, and experience that can be a part of building the church and would love to help you find your fit to serve our community. Do you play an instrument? Sing? Are you good at preaching? Would you like to welcome guests or prepare church coffee? Teach and care for our kids? Lead a growth group? Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Please let us know! There are various ministry teams that serve the congregation in different ways. Read to learn more! If you would like to join a team, please speak with the leader of a group, our pastor, or email us at


Meet our Ministry teams:

Sound and projection

This ministry is responsible for the sound and projection during the Sunday service. Those in the ministry determine the sound mix of the band heard during the service and make sure the slides keep running beautifully. If would you like to contribute to the church but don’t have much time throughout the week, but have some time around the service on Sunday, this ministry may be for you!

Media Ministry

This ministry is responsible for the information released to the church members and the public via newsletters, social media and our website. We want to keep everyone informed of who we are, what we do, and what’s coming up. This ministry happens “behind the scenes” and is perfect for peole who have digital skills but not necessarily lots of time during the week.

OiC Kids (Sunday School)

This ministry is responsible for the care and education of our children during the Sunday Service. Each Sunday the children leave for the sermon for their child-oriented service with music, Bible stories, games, and crafts. The children split into two groups each week. Babies and toddlers head to their own room for a simple lesson. The older children sing, hear a short story and then choose an activity group to participate in that explores the theme of the day. The theme of these activity groups vary each week, allowing flexibility for volunteers as they can commit to just doing one or many sessions with the children. But as you have noticed if you have attended a service, we have many young children, so this ministry needs quite a lot volunteers! If you enjoy playing with children, perhaps this is something for you.

Music Ministry

Do you like to sing or play an instrument? The music ministry is responsible for the worship during the services, and are always welcoming new people! This ministry is made up of various teams that trade off on who leads worship. You will not need to be on stage every week, just the weeks your team leads the service.

Service Planning Group

The SPG is responsible for the direction of our Sunday services. This includes finding preachers, people to lead the church services, and planning topics for the preaching series. They meet regularly to discuss these topics.

Church Coffee

This ministry is responsible for Church Coffee after the service. Every Sunday we have coffee and light snacks after the service which a great time to get to know the others in church. Volunteers in this ministry bring snacks like fruit, baked goods or even a light meal like soup. The volunteers are responsible for setting up before church, and cleaning up afterwards. You can volunteer to both bring food items and do set up and clean up or just one of them. This is a low-key commitment that you can sign up for just once or weekly.