Sunday, April 10th at 5pm: Hans Olav Mørk will come and share with us about reconciliation between people in the city. Norwegian pastor and hymn writer, he has served as a pastor in Kirkens Bymisjon and works now in the Norwegian Bible Society with the project of new translation of the Old Testament.
This weekend with sunday school.
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, April 17th at 5pm:Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday Knut Hallen, former missionary in Thailand and the leader of “Samarbeidsråd for Menighet og Misjon” (a Christian umbrella organization for churches and mission) will visit us. The vision of SMM is to create missional congregations where the power of the gospe inspires people to share their faith through actions and words, local and globally.
This weekend with sunday school
Sunday, April 24th: Easter Celebration