Become a member
What does it mean to be a member of OiC?
- It means you share and confess our communal faith, expressed in the Apostolic Creed and imbued by the Biblical narrative.
- It means you are a part of a community of brothers and sisters in Christ who are bound by faith and love!
- It means you understand OiC is formed and exists by its members, so that you are co-responsible with them.
- It means you have voting right in our assemblies and are eligible for the Church Board.
What are the requirements for being a member?
- As a confessing Christian you want to belong to OiC as an expression of the Body of Christ.
- Baptism is an integral part of our historical practice of belonging. As a member you are expected to either be baptised or actively exploring the meaning and timing of this practice in your life.
Are you a member of another Christian Church which you don’t wish do disconnect from? (to your church in your home country, for example). You can be a member of OiC and retain the former membership.
Do you want to become a member of OiC?
1. Download the Membership form clicking on the button below.
2. Fill the form with your information and sign.
3. Send the signed form to