On Sunday, September 13 we began our fall series at OiC that somehow has to do with ducks, the end, and giggles. Read Maicon’s introduction to find out how these things are related:
“I laugh at puns. The best puns, of course, are the ones that are not intentional. The problem with unintentional puns, though, is that they don’t make sense outside of the story that frames them. So when I found myself looking at a sign like this one at a Norwegian park and I started laughing out loud: I was both laughing at the sign and at the weird grown up giggling at a duck sign (me).

So here’s the story: I was walking along a road, which suddenly came to an end. At that same spot, two other roads also ended. And right there, where all these roads ended, was the sign in Norwegian: “Her møtes endene.” Which, of course, means that there were ducks in the area: “Here the ducks gather.” But the same sentence also means: “Here the ends meet!”
Genius, isn’t it? Was it more important to slow down in order to not run over the ducks, or in order to not drive off the road? Were those ducks apocalyptic heralds of the end of the roads?
Now suppose that there were no ducks drawn on that sign. Just the sign and the cryptic message: “Her møtes endene.” How am I supposed to understand that sign? Chaos would certainly ensue!
That’s my story for welcoming you to our new series about the book of Revelation. When we look at it we see a sign. What is it about? The words written on it seem cryptic and seem to carry many meanings. How are we to understand them?
But the sign is situated. It’s placed somewhere and some time. It’s part of a story. So let’s talk about where ends meet.”
We would love to have you join us at OiC on Sunday! We will meet at Bakkehaugen kirke at 16.00.
May the Grace and Peace of our Lord be with you.
Love from the OiC Team