Conference – Disciple 2013

“Disippel 2013: Del det viktigste” – Disciple 2013: Share the most important

8th – 9th of February there is a conference at Fagerborg about being a disciple in our time. It is arranged by F2, NMS U and NMS. On the program are speakers sharing their experiences from Norway and other countries. Among others, Britt Solveig Oleivsgard, leader of Europe mission in Youth with a Mission, Maicon Stuernagel, pastor i OiC and former NMS missionary in Thailand, Espen Tveten, will contribute.

The conference is in Norwegian, and costs 150 kr, all meals included.

If you need translation into Englis, please take contakt:

For more information and to sign up, see here.

They also have a Facebook page.