Please follow these instructions:
1. Find the date 11th of February in your calender
2. Write: Skiing trip with the OIC family, at 12pm.
3. If “skiing” scares you, go to point 5.
4. If you have skies, bring them. If not, contact Marit, 99 56 06 01, and she will bring a pair for u, for free!:)
5. We will walk to one place, where we make a fire, warm drinks, “grillpølser” and good talks.
6. The fire will make u warm, but still, please dress up warm, with wool underwear:)
7. Those who want to go skiing, can go far or just try a little bit; feel free:)
8. We will stay out until we are tired of it. Then, its a short distance to t-bane, and home.
How to get there?
Take t-bane 2 towards Mortensrud, to Bøler. From there, its a walking distance.
We will go together as one at 11:40 from Oslo S. If you come later, please contact Bodil, 95 24 91 97, or Marit, 99 56 06 01.
What to bring?
A must: Yourself, in warm clothes.
Alternatives: A friend. Some snacks. Something to sit on.Keep updated about this event at Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/events/104704212990579/