Easter services

50338_Palm_SundaySunday, April 9: Palm sunday

On Palm Sunday there will be a regular service at Bakkehaugen kirke at 16:00. This is the first service with the Easter theme ‘Faith’s Author’, on why Jesus is the epicenter of our faith.

Friday, April 14: Good Friday

On Good Fpotluckriday there will be a potluck at Rebekah and Richard’s home at 12:30. The address is: Nadderudveien 180A, Eiksmarka 1359, Bærum. The nearest bus stop is Nordjordet and nearest t-bane is Lijordet on Line 2.

A potluck is a meal in which each person contributes with a dish to share. Please bring anything to contribute to the Good Friday lunch.

Sign up here to let us know you’re coming!

Sunday, April 16: Easter SundayStone rolled away

On Easter Sunday we will have a potluck at the church! It starts at 14:00 and please bring a dish to share and have a great time together, enjoying each other’s food while celebrating that our Lord has risen. The church service will be right after at the regular time (16:00).